Halgal Library and Bibliography
Halgal Bibliography &
More and more books and articles are being
written about Eastern Galicia / Halychyna. Here are some books that I
strongly recommend any serious genealogist and researcher read. These
books will not only help you with your family history project, they will provide
a critical understanding of the region and cultural.
Most of these books are all in English.
Included are books in other languages that are, I believe, of great importance
to the HalGal researcher.
Of course, this is not a complete list of all books
related to the region. For that, visit the book below Galicia: A
Historical Survey and Bibliographic Guide, by Robert Paul Magocsi.
History of Eastern Galicia /
Halychyna: "Must Reads"
Galician Regional History
General National History and
Galician Culture
Picture Books and Travel Guides of Galicia / Halychyna
Repatriation and Post-World War II Border Changes and Population Exchanges
Galician Genealogy and Language
History of Eastern Galicia /
"Must Reads"...The Best Collections of
A Multicultured Land
Edited by Chris Hann and Paul
Robert Magocsi
University of Toronto Press
Toronto, Buffalo, London: 2005
ISBN: 0-80203781-X
What can I say...the title says it all!
and the Politics of Nationalism: Essays on Austrian Galicia
Edited by Andrei S. Markovits
and Frank E. Sysyn
Harvard University Press.
Cambridge: 1982.
ISBN: 0-674-603-12-5
From my college days. In my humble
opinion, the best collection of articles related not only to our region, but
during a time period critical to immigrant family genealogists!
and Ukraine: Past And Present
Edited by Peter J. Potichnyj
The Canadian Institute of
Ukrainian Studies
Edmonton, Toronto: 1980.
ISBN 0-920862-07-1
Reconstruction of Nations: Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus: 1569-1999
Timothy Snyder
Yale University Press
New Haven and London: 2003
ISBN: 0-300-09569-4
Nations_Ethnic Cleansing in East-Central Europe, 1944-1948
Edited by Philipp Ther and Ana Siljak
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
Lanham, Boulder, New York, Oxford: 2001
ISBN: 0-7425-1094-8
The ultimate BEST in articles concerning
post-WWII resettlements of ethnic Poles, Ukrainians and Germans! Every
genealogist involved with researching resettled (read forced migration)
should own this book!
in Polish Jewry: Polin. Volume Twelve
Focusing on Galicia: Jews,
Poles, and Ukrainians 1772-1918
Edited by Israel Bartal &
Antony Polonsky
London, Portland Oregon: 1999
The Littman Library of Jewish
ISBN 1-874774-40-4

Galician Regional History
A Historical Survey and Bibliographic Guide
Paul Robert Magocsi
University of Toronto Press
Toronto, Buffalo, London: 1983
Reprinted 1985, 1990.
ISBN 0-8020-2482-3
If you own at least a third of the books
found in this bibliographic guide, please invite me over for dinner...!
Division: The Waffen-SS 14th Grenadier Division 1943-1945
Michael O. Logusz
Schiffer Military History
ISBN: 0-7643-0081-4
Villagers and the Ukrainian National Movement in the Nineteenth Century
John-Paul Himka
Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies: 1988
ISBN: 0920862543
in the Village: The Genesis of Peasant National Identity in Austrian Poland,
Keely Stauter-Halsted
Cornell University Press
Cornell: 2001
Although the focus is on Western Galicia and
the Poles, it gives an excellent detailed description of our people!
Nationality Question in Austrian Education: The Case of Ukrainians in Galicia
Ann Sirka
European University Studies,
Series III
Peter Lang Ltd.,
Frankfurt/Main: 1980
ISBN 3-8204-6618-5
a Borderland: War, Ethnicity, and Anti-Jewish Violence in East Galicia,
1914-1920 (Judaic Studies Series)
Alexander V. Prusin
University of Alabama Press
ISBN: 0-8173145-9-8
and Nationality in Western Ukraine: the Greek Catholic Church and the Ruthenian
National Movement in Galica, 1867-1900.
John-Paul Himka
McGill-Queen's University Press: 1999
ISBN: 0-7735-1812-6
from Abroad: The Soviet Conquest of Poland's Western Ukraine and Western
Jan T. Gross
Princeton University Press: 2002
ISBN: 0691096031
in Galicia: The Emergence of Polish Social Democracy and Ukrainian Radicalism
John-Paul Himka
Harvard University Press
Cambridge, Massachusetts: 1983
ISBN 0-916458-07-5
Ukrainian-Polish Defensive Alliance, 1919-1921: An Aspect of the Ukrainian
Michael Palij
Canadian Institute of
Ukrainian Studies Press
Edmonton, Toronto: 1995.
ISBN 0-895571-05-7
of the Swallows: Memoir of a Polish Family's Ordeal
Tadeusz Piotrowski
McFarland and Company, Inc
Jefferson NC and London: 1995
ISBN: 0-7864-0001-3
Nationalism Began to Hate: Imagining Modern Politics in Nineteenth-Century
Brian Porter
Oxford University Press
Oxford: 2000
ISBN: 0-19-515187-9
Eagle, Red Star: The Polish-Soviet War, 1919-1920
Norman Davies
Orbis Book Ltd. London: 1983
ISBN: 0-901149-23-3
Great book about just ONE of the wars that
took place in our Galicia / Halychyna!
її минуле і сучасне.
Земля Маркіяна Шашкевича
Collected Papers on the
Zolochiv Region of Western Ukraine
Compiled and Edited by
Volodymyr Boliubash (Володимир Болюбаш)
наукове товариство ім. Шевченка
Shevchenko Scientific Society
in Canada
Торонто, Канберра:
ISBN: 0-9690239-2-8
Perfect example of
the types of books available to specific towns and districts. Of course, I
feature here my own ancestral district of Zolochivshchyna (Золочівщина),
the region around the town of Zolochiv (Золочів) /

General National History and
Central Europe Between the Two World Wars
Joseph Rothschild
A History of Eastern Central
Europe Volume IX
University of Washington Press
Seattle and London: 1998.
ISBN: 0-295-95357-8
Keep a box of tissues near by...history was
not kind to us Galicians. Can't we all just get along, amigos?
Playground: A History of Poland. Volume I: The Origins to 1795
Norman Davies
Columbia University Press
New York: 1982
ISBN: 0-23105351-7
Playground: A History of Poland. Volume II: 1795 to Present
Norman Davies
Columbia University Press
New York: 1982
ISBN: 0-23105353-3
Lands of Partitioned Poland: 1795-1918
A History of East Central
Europe, Volume VII
Piotr S. Wandycz
University of Washington
Press: 1974
ISBN 0-295-95358-6 (pbk.)
Reconstruction of Nations: Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus: 1569-1999
Timothy Snyder
Yale University Press
New Haven and London: 2003
ISBN: 0-300-09569-4
In-depth coverage of the Austrian Partition
(a.k.a Galicia, silly)!
A History: Second Edition
Orest Subtelny
University of Toronto Press
Toronto, Buffalo, London: 1994
ISBN 0-8020-7191-0
Culture Shock! A Survival Guide to Customs & Etiquette
Meredith Dalton
Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company: 2001
ISBN: 1558686320

Galician Culture
Look for literature by Ivan Fanko
(born in Nahuevychi 1856) and Joseph Roth (born in Brody 1894).
These two authors often wrote about Galician villages, including the colorful
characters and picturesque countryside. Here are just a couple
examples...but pick up anything you can by them!
Constrictor and Other Stories
Ivan Franko, translated by Fainna Solasko
Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow:
Collected Stories of Joseph Roth
Joseph Roth, translated by Michael Hofmann
W.W. Norton and Company. New York, London:
ISBN: 0-393-04320-7

Picture Books and Travel Guides of Galicia
Zbigniew Fras
Wrocław 2000
Wrocław 2000

bliskie i dalekie
Jan K.
Autorów i Wydawców Prac Naukowych Universitas
Kraków: 2000,
wyd. II
Wschodnie II Rzeczypospolitej w fotografii
Wydawnictwo DiG. Warszawa.
Sightseeing Guide (Львів туристичний путівник)
Publishing House "Centre d' Europe"
(Видавництво "Центр Європи"),
Lviv: 1999
ISBN: 966-7022-09-9
IMHO, the best tourist guide book for Lviv (Lwów).
It's bilingual in both English and Ukrainian. Tons of great pictures and
packed with useful information. Hey, you can't spend ALL your time in the
archives...well, even if you want to...they're closed on Sundays! So, grab
this book and start sightseeing!
і фортеці західої України
(Castles and Fortresses of Western Ukraine)
Орест Мацюк
(Orest Matsiuk)
Видавництво "Центр Європи",
Львів: 1997.
(Publishing House "Centre d' Europe", Lviv:
ISBN: 966-7022-12-9
See...we Galicians have castles, too.
They're not just for those English genealogists!!

Repatriation and Post-World War II Border Changes and Population Exchanges
Nations_Ethnic Cleansing in East-Central Europe, 1944-1948
Edited by Philipp Ther and Ana Siljak
Rowman & Littlefiled Publishers, Inc.
Lanham, Boulder, New York, Oxford: 2001
ISBN: 0-7425-1094-8
The ultimate BEST in articles concerning
post-WWII resettlements of ethnic Poles, Ukrainians and Germans! Every
genealogist involved with researching resettled (read forced migration)
should own this book!
Reconstruction of Nations: Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus: 1569-1999
Timothy Snyder
Yale University Press
New Haven and London: 2003
ISBN: 0-300-09569-4
Portrait of a Central European City. Breslau/Wrocław
Norman Davies and Roger Moorhouse
Pimlico: 2003. ISBN: 0-7126-9334-3
Chapter 7: Breslau before and
during the Second World War, 1918-1945.
Chapter 8:
Wrocław: Phoenix from the Ashes, 1945-2000.
Finally, an objective approach to Polish
Repatriation of Wrocław, a city populated mostly by the Poles of
pre-WWII Lwów!
ludności na ziemiach zachodnich i północnych w latach 1945-1950
Informator o
żródłach przechowywanych w terenowych archiwach państwowych
Kołodziej, Maria Lewandowska
Dyrekcja Archiwów Państwowych
1998. ISBN 83-86643-07-2
Guide book to the PUR Collection...documents
relating to the population exchanges. Check out my extensive websites on
the PUR Collection and Polish Repatriation!
Western Territories
Collection of Articles
Instytut Zachodni
Poznań: 1959.
Translated b
Wanda Libicka
Hard book to find...but gives includes some
interesting articles on the Post-WWII border changes and population exchanges.
Just keep in mind that it's coming from the Communist Polish view point!
nazewnictwa krajoznawczego Polsko-Niemiecki i Niemiecko-Polski
Marek J.
Battek and Joanna Szczepankiewicz-Battek
Silesia S.C.
Wrocław: 2002.
ISBN: 83-913081-9-7
Great resource to help you find the German
and Polish equivalencies for towns and villages where your ancestors may have
been resettled to after the border changes and population exchanges following
World War II!

Galician Genealogy and Language
John D. Pihach
Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press
Edmonton, Toronto: 2007
ISBN: 1-894865-05-7
Simply the best. If you're a Ukrainian
researcher...you MUST own this book!
Click here for more information!
Parish Records of the Roman Catholic Church: Their Use and Understanding in
Genealogical Research.
Gerald A. Ortell
Polish Genealogical Society of
Copyright, 1996. ISBN
The title of this book is misleading.
Most of the records used as examples are from Galicia. Most of the
language items pertain to Latin. And remember, Latin was the official
language used by the priests for the vital records...for ethnic Poles and
Ukrainians. This book should be carried with you at all times when you're
cranking away at a microfilm reader!
Gazetteer of Galicia
Brian J. Lenius
Brian J. Lenius Publisher: 1999
ISBN: 0-9698783-1-1
Not only does this book include all the
villages in Galicia (Eastern and Western), it includes Ukrainian and German
variations. And most important for the genealogist...it includes the
district (powiat / povit) and PARISH seat. And since vital records were
kept at the PARISH level, not the village, you MUST own the book to know the
PARISHES . Also includes judicial district, Jewish congregation and
Evangelical Lutheran jurisdictions. Need I say more?
Click here for
Names of the Polish Commonwealth: Origins and Meanings
William F. Hoffman and George
Wiesław Helon
Polish Genealogical Society of
Chicago: 1998. ISBN:
One of my most used books on the shelf!
This book gives Latin, Polish, Ukrainian, and English variations of first names.
Remember, it's important to standardize how you document your ancestors.
Whether you always use the Latin version, the English version or the appropriate
Polish and Ukrainian versions (my choice, which is based on the person's
ethnicity and/or religion)...be consistent!
імена людей: Словнік-довіднік
Григорівна Скрипник і Ніна Пантелеймонівна Дзятківська
академія наук України і Інстітут мовознавства ім. О.О. Потебні
1996. ISBN: 5-12-002638-9
In addition to the book above, this book is
important for the Ukrainian researcher. Ukrainian names often have
diminutives, or nicknames. Your Ukrainian aunt Pearl's real name was
probably Paraskovia. But did you know all the following possible
diminutives: Paraskeva, Paraska, Parasonka, Parasochka, Parasia, Parasynka,
Parasytsia, Parasunia, Parana, Paranka, Parania, Paranka, Parantsia, Pasha.
Ukrainian is such a rich language! Note, this book is in Ukrainian and
does not provide the Latin, English or Polish equivalencies.
Surnames: Origins and Meanings
William F. Hoffman
Polish Genealogical Society of America
Chicago: 1993
ISBN: 0-92420700-0
Surname fun for the Poles! Chock full
of information on your family name!
Handwriting in German Documents: Analyzing German, Latin, and French in Vital
Records Written in Germany
Roger P. Minert
GRT Publications
Provo, UT: 2001
ISBN: 0-9678420-7-7
OK...so we Galician genealogists of Polish
and Ukrainian decent won't find many vital records in German. But we will
find German language documents of other kinds. This book gives great
examples of German old style "fraktur" handwriting that everyone will find
useful...especially for those fantastic cadastral maps and associated texts!
Their Words: A Genealogist’s Translation Guide to Polish, German, Latin, and
Russian Documents: Volume I: Polish
Jonathan D. Shea and William
F. Hoffman
Language and Lineage Press
New Britain, CT: 2000.
ISBN: 0-9631579-3-0
Everything you need to know about Polish
language documents...written by genealogists for genealogists. These dudes
know what they're talking about! (Don't let the Irish and German names
fool you!)
Their Words: A Genealogist’s Translation Guide to Polish, German, Latin, and
Russian Documents: Volume II: Russian
Jonathan D. Shea and William
F. Hoffman
Language and Lineage Press
New Britain, CT: 2002.
ISBN: 0-9631579-4-9
OK...so you'll come across very few Russian
language records in pre-WWI Galicia/Halychyna. But if you're researching
roots just over the border in Volyn/Wołyn...or deal with
records from the Soviet Union...you'll want (and need) this book!
Your Polish Ancestors
Kathleen Ann LaBudie-Szakall and Jan Steven
Heritage Productions, Book HV10
Toronto: 2002-2003
ISBN: 1-894018-69-9
Nice overview of Polish ancestral research.
Deals not only with our Galicia (aka the Austrian Partition of Poland), but the
other two: the Russian and German/Prussian Partitions!
Your Jewish Roots in Galicia: A Resource Guide
Suzan F. Wynne
Avotaynu, Inc. Teaneck NJ: 1998
ISBN: 1-886223-08-4
państwowe w Polsce: Przewodnik po zasobach
Biernat i Anna Laszuk
Dyrekcja Archiwów Państwowych Wydawnictwo DiG
Warszawa: 1998
ISBN 83-7181-029-6
główne akt dawnych w Warszawie: Przewodnik po zasobie
Tom II
Wydawnictwo DiG
ISBN: 83-7181-024-5
metrykalne i stanu cywilnego w archiwach państwowych w Polsce: Informator
Anna Laszuk
Wydawn. DiG; Wyd. 2., bez zmian z errata
Warszawa: 2000
ISBN-10: 83-8664353-6
The information found in this book is now
available on the internet at the
Polish State
Archives' Pradziad Database!
Latin Church in the Polish Commonwealth n 1772: A Map and Index of Localities
Stanislaw Litak and cartographic execution by
Zofia Żuchowska
Polish Genealogical Society of America
Chicago: 1996
ASIN: B000HD340I
Atlas of Central Europe
A History of Central Europe, Volume I
Paul Robert Magocsi
University of Washington Press. Seattle:
ISBN: 0-295-98146-6
Excellent colorful maps covering the entire
history of Eastern and Central Europe. Sorry, no detailed maps of
grandpa's village!
Atlas Drogowy (Poland Road Atlas)
Mapz ścienne
beata piętka
A good atlas is hard to find! Try this
one on for size...great for easy carting around to Family History Centers and
family events (...though much to the dismay of my relatives)!