Księgi metrykalne
i stanu cywilnego w archiwach państwowych w Polsce: Informator
Finding Vital Records housed in the Polish National
Archives System using the book
Księgi metrykalne i stanu cywilnego w archiwach państwowych w Polsce: Informator.
The text was published in 2000 by the publishing house "DiG" in Warsaw.

The book lists names of thousands of parishes for which
there are vital records in the Polish National Archive System, either in the
main archives in Warsaw or in one of the regional state archives.
Just because your ancestral village is no longer found
within Polish borders, it is an excellent idea to consult this text. Many of the
records of Polish, Lutheran and Jewish records from localities now located in
Ukraine were moved westward to Polish archives following the border changes
occurring at the end of the Second World War. Also, many Greek Catholic records
also found their way to Polish archives.
With each parish is listed the province (either current,
or in the case of lands no longer within Polish borders, the pre-WWII province),
county, any records from either the Roman Catholic, Greek Catholic, Lutheran or
Jewish religious centers. With each of these, the record type (birth, marriage,
death) and years are listed. Next to each set of records will be a code, which
gives the archives and archival catalog code.
Abbreviations used in the catalog
abbreviation |
Polish |
English |
p. również |
patrz filie lub
odrębne miejscowości z danej parafii |
Look at the
offices or separate places with the given parish |
p. też |
patrz dawne
miejscowości, obecnie części większych miast |
Look at former
places, at present a part of larger cities |
gm. |
gmina |
district |
gub. |
gubernia |
province (term
used in Russian Empire) |
par. |
parafia |
parish |
pow. |
powiat |
county |
woj. |
województwo |
province |
U: (next to years) |
akta urodzeń |
birth records |
M: (next to years) |
akta małżeństw |
marriage records |
Z: (next to years) |
akta zgonów |
death records |
Remember that smaller villages will NOT be listed. You
must first know what parish that village belonged to in order to search by the
Once you find the parish, there will be a listing of
religions for which there are vital records:
ewangelicko-augsburskie |
Augsburg Lutheran |
greckokatolickie |
Greek Catholic |
mojżeszowe |
Jewish |
prawosławne |
Orthodox |
rzymskokatolickie |
Roman Catholic |
Then under each religious grouping will be the Vital
Record Type and years for which there are records.
U: (next to years) |
akta urodzeń |
birth records |
M: (next to years) |
akta małżeństw |
marriage records |
Z: (next to years) |
akta zgonów |
death records |

Next to each grouping of records, there is a box with
code numbers. The important first number is the code for the particular archives
which houses the records. In the front of the box is a list of code numbers and
corresponding archives COMPLETE WITH CURRENT MAILING ADDRESS. Things can’t be
made easier!!
Therefore, this is the listing for Biały
Kamień, county Złoczów,
province Tarnopol (pre-WWII)
Greek Catholic records (church Holy Trinity)
Birth/Marriage/Death: 1845-1846 are found in archive #56,
which is State Archive in Przemyśl
Jewish records, which are found in archive #1, which is Main Archives of Older
Records (AGAD)
Birth: 1879, 1883-1888, 1895-1897; Death: 1862-1876, 1892
Roman Catholic records, which are found in archive #1, which is Main Archives of
Older Records (AGAD)
Marriage/Death: 1748-1782, 1831
Birth: 1665-1778, 1831
You can check the availability of parish and civil
records housed at
any of the Polish Regional State Archives
(along with the Zabużanski Collection) right on-line
yourself! Visit the Polish State Archive website's
searchable database
PRADZIAD. Read the explanation and instructions first, then click
"database" at the bottom of the screen to search for your own ancestral
parishes' registers!
In addition to this information, one should also check with the Zabużań ski
Go to information on
zabużanski collection
Go to list of archives and addresses