Language of the Records
In 1563, at the Council of Trent, the Church authorized
that the parish priest was to keep records of Baptism and Marriage. In 1614, a
directive called for Death records to be maintained as well.
Roman Catholic records were kept in Latin, while the
Greek Catholic records were kept in Old Church Slavic. The records are extremely
basic and do not hold much information. The researcher should begin with the
latest records as possible, as mid to late 19th Century records often
begin to have a greater detail, such as mother’s maiden name and grandparents of
the birth child or newlyweds.) For baptismal records, often only the father’s
and mother’s name is given with only the father’s surname. this makes for
difficult identification since there can be multiple people with the same first
and last names living in the village, even the same exact age!
Short after the Austro-Hungarian Empire took control of
the region, records were to be formalized and written in Latin. However,
disturbing as this might sound to today’s nationalist Pole, Ukrainian, Rusyn,
Slovak or Czech, at the time of the edict, Latin was considered the lingua
franca of the Christian Empire. Also, keep in mind that the idea of
nationality was of little importance to the peasant at that early time. In
addition to Latin, you may find the priest included some Polish and Ukrainian.
And for the genealogist, this makes for easier research
as compared to the records of the Prussian and Russian Empires, which at some
point mandated records to be in German (old script) and Russian, respectively.
As the 19th
Century progressed, so did a sentiment of nationalism for both the Polish and
Ukrainian priest. The Polish priest might have started to include Polish words
and the Ukrainian priest include Ukrainian words in the vital records.
First Names or Common Names
These were usually in Latin. Sometimes Polish or
Ukrainian was given.
This may be strange since these people never went by
their Latin equivalent!
First names are very important to the genealogist. It’s
imperative to keep track of all official names, as well as unofficial nicknames.
It’s clear that "Uncle Mike" is probably referred to as "Michael" on his birth,
marriage, and death record. This important feature, however, in our Eastern
Galician/Western Ukrainian research can become even more complex.
We may have for one person various forms of a simple
first name. We may find his name:
Johannes in Latin on a baptismal record
Jan in Polish
Ivan in Ukrainian
This point is expounded on by Polish and Ukrainian
intense system of "nicknames", or as they are known grammatically-"diminutives".
As for records, before 1772 or so, you’ll more than
likely find the name in Polish, Latin or Old Church Slavic. After that date
through World War I, you’ll usually find only the Latin. Sometimes, Polish will
be used. Also, Ukrainian may be used alone or along with the Polish or Latin.
Obviously, it’s critical to the genealogist to note names
correctly in our reports, either on paper family group sheets and pedigrees or
in a genealogical software program. (I prefer using a genealogical software
program for many reasons.
A Little Grammar
Polish and Ukrainian are inflected languages. This
means that words undergo a change in form to indicate their grammatical
function. Of course, the more vocabulary and better understanding of
grammar you have, the easier it is to read documents.
The scope of Polish/Ukrainian grammar is much too complex
for this site. However, one need not be fluent in these languages to understand
the basics of these various word endings as they pertain to reading vital
records. One MUST, however, be aware that such changes exist and occur
No one should feel that he/she can not
trace Galician roots because of the lack of fluency.
The two most popular cases (or grammatical
forms) are Nominative and Genitive. The Nominative case is the subject of
the sentence. This case is always used to show a name in its most basic
form. On vital records, the subject of the record (the person born,
married or died) will be in the Nominative case.
The Genitive case shows possession.
The first name in each sentence is in the
Nominative case while the Genitive case is bolded in the following examples:
Latin |
Joannes, filius Petri
(Petri is the genitive form of Petrus)
Agnes, filia Michalis et Annae (Michalis and Annae are
genitive forms of Michael and Anna) |
Ukrainian |
Ivan, syn Petra (Petra is the
genitive form of Petro)
Ahnesa, dochka Mykhaila ta Hanny (Mykhaila and Hanny are
genitive forms of Mykhailo and Hanna) |
Polish |
Jan, syn Piotra (Piotra is the
genitive form of Piotr)
Agnieszka, córka Michała i Anny
(Michała and Anny are genitive forms of Michał and Anna) |
English |
John, son of Peter
Agnes, daughter of Michael and Anna |
You can see on the one hand how it can get
tricky and on the other hand how important such a grammatical feature is.
Be Careful: Studying the sentence
careful is very necessary! Until you get comfortable with the Latin,
Polish and Ukrainian names and grammar, read very carefully!
When you see the name Franciszka, you may
think quickly that this is the girl's name which translates into English as
Frances. However, if you read the sentence "Piotr, syn Franciszka i Anny",
you'll see that Franciszka is actually the genitive case of the name Franciszek,
which is very much a man's name (and translates into English as Francis).
This occurs quite often since the common grammatical ending for the genitive
case for masculine names is the ending -a, which would then "appear" to
look like a feminine name. Other such examples:
Józefa can be the genitive for Józef
(in English "of Joseph") or the nominative for the girl's name Józefa
Władysława can be the genitive of Władysław or the nominative for the girl's
name Władysława

(Latin: Ignatius Gulka fil. leg. Valentini
et Cunegundae Bałuczyńska.
Marianna Drabczak fil. leg. Joannis et Cunegundae Olejnik.)
(Translation using Polish first names:
Ignacy Gulka, legitimate son of Walęty and Kunegunda Bałuczyńska.
Marianna Drabczak, legitimate daughter of Jan and Kunegunda Olejnik.)
(Trans. using Ukrainian first names: Ihnat
Gulka, legitimate son of Valentii and Kunehunda
Baluczynska. Mar'iana Drabczak, legitimate daughter
of Ivan and Kunehunda Olejnik.)
From the table below, you can see some more
examples. Although you'll see the predominate Genitive ending in Polish
and Ukrainian for masculine names is -a, and for feminine names is -y,
you'll see that there are exceptions to this rule.

(Latin: Pater: Stephanus Makarowski, filius Gerasimi et Antoninae. Mater:
Anna, filia Leonis et Clarae Geża)
(Trans. using Polish first names: Father:
Stefan Makarowski, son of Herasym and Antonina. Mother: Anna, daughter of
Leon and Klara Geża.)
(Trans. using Ukrainian first names: Father
Stepan Makarowski, son of Herasym and Antonina. Mother: Hanna, daughter of
Lev and Klara Geża)
Nominative (Subject case). |
The standard form most often found when the name is the subject. |
Genitive (Possessive case). |
Used to show possession, as in "John, son of Mark. " |
Polish First Names |
Nominative (Subject case). |
Jan |
Mateusz |
Antoni |
Leszek |
Anna |
Maria |
Genitive (Possessive case). |
Jana |
Mateusza |
Antoniego |
Leszka |
Anny |
Marii |
Latin First Names |
Nominative (Subject case). |
Petrus |
Michael |
Franciscus |
Francisca |
Anna |
Maria |
Genitive (Possessive case). |
Petri |
Michaelis |
Francisci |
Franciscae |
Annae |
Mariae |
Ukrainian First Names
(transliterated from Cyrillic alphabet into Latin alphabet) |
Nominative (Subject case). |
Ivan |
Volodymyr |
Vasyl' |
Onufrii |
Hanna |
Maria |
Genitive (Possessive case). |
Ivana |
Volodymyra |
Vasylia |
Onufriia |
Hanny |
Marii |
Ukrainian First Names
(Cyrillic alphabet) |
Nominative (Subject case). |
Іван |
Володимир |
Василь |
Онифрій |
Ганна |
Марія |
Genitive (Possessive case). |
Івана |
Володимира |
Василя |
Онуфрія |
Ганни |
Марії |
Click here for a larger list
of the more popular names illustrating these languages and grammatical
endings. For a complete study of the subject on names, including a
comprehensive list of names with their standard spellings, derivations,
diminutives, name days for that name and equivalencies in Polish, Ukrainian and
Latin, as well as Russian, German, Hebrew and others, you should consult the
English language book First Names of the Polish Commonwealth: Origins and
Meanings, written by William F. Hoffman and George W. Helon. Published in
1998 by the Polish Genealogical Society of America.
Last Names or Surnames
In Slavic languages, e.g. Polish and Ukrainian, like many
other languages, last names often show the difference between male and female.
Polish |
Ukrainian |
For males: the ending –ski, and –cki
As in Stefan Makarowski
Aleksander Sawicki |
For males: the ending -skyi, and -ckyi
As in Stefan Makarovskyi
Oleksandr Savitskyi |
For females: the corresponding ending –ska, and –cka
As in Anna Makarowska
Zofia Sawicka |
For females: the corresponding ending
-ska and -cka
As in Hanna Makarovska
Sofia Savitska |
Grammatically speaking, these endings are considered
adjectives, so they form grammatical endings which include the distinction
between masculine and feminine genders.
For other surnames which end in consonants or "-o" or
"-e", this same distinction may or may not be present.
A possible -owna ending means that the woman is
unmarried. An ending -owa means that the woman is married.
Again, this may or may not be used.
Jan Drabczak
Helena Drabczak or Drabczakowna or Drabczakowa
Marek Kawałko
Maria Kawałko or Kawałkowna
In Ukrainian, you may find the same thing with last names ending in -k
or -enko. The proper feminine form for the last name Shevchuk and
Shevchenko is the same as the masculine. However, you may find Shevchukova
and Shevchenkova.
In addition to changing endings for genders, these names
can change endings depending on the role played in the grammar of the sentence.
Helena Majewska, filia Petri et Annae Makarowskich
Helena Majewska, filia Petri et Annae Kłaków