Vital Records Tour-
Examples of Death Records
The death records are often the most overlooked of the
three vital record types (birth, marriage, and death). Yet these records
can yield a great amount of information. They can give the researcher
clues as to the date of birth (though often estimated), maiden name, spouse's
name, occupation...and sometimes place of birth. And as with the other
types of vital records, a little Latin can go a long way!
Death records have been increasingly important even to
non-genealogists (is there such a person?!) who may be researching family
health conditions and genetics.
Below are some samples of typical death records
Examples of Typical Death Records

Mensis |
Domus |
Mortui |
Religio |
Sexus |
Vitae |
Qualitas Morti |
12-Augusti |
14 |
18 |
Eva Kłodzińska nata Jamrowicz, vidua
post Adalbertum agricolam. |
√ |
√ |
56 annorum |
cholera |
12-Augusti |
14 |
116 |
Franciscus Bałuczyński filius
Mathaei et Catharinae natae Kłak agricolarum |
√ |
√ |
11 annorum |
cholera |
(here Date)
(death) |
(burial) |
House No. |
Name of deceased |
Religion |
Sex |
Age |
Cause of Death |
12-August |
14 |
18 |
Ewa Kłodzińska nee (maiden name)
Jamrowicz, widow of the late Wojciech farmer |
(Catholic) |
(female) |
56 years |
cholera |
12-August |
14 |
116 |
Franciszek Bałuczyński, son of
Maciej and Katarzyna nee (maiden name) Kłak, farmer |
(Catholic) |
(male) |
11 years |
cholera |
from the Roman Catholic parish of
Biały Kamień, village of Usznia, 1855

29-Augusti |
31 |
126 |
Thaddaeus Mościcki agricola, maritus
Rosaliae natae Ziumak |
√ |
√ |
47 annorum |
cholera |
31-Augusti |
2-Septemb. |
125 |
Anastasia Bojakowska nata Mikoda,
uxor Michaelis textoris |
√ |
√ |
62 annorum |
cholera |
(death) |
(burial) |
126 |
Tadeusz Mościcki farmer, husband of
Rozalia nee (maiden name) Ziumak |
(Catholic) |
(male) |
47 years |
cholera |
31-August |
2-Sept. |
125 |
Anastasia Bojakowska nee (maiden
name) Mikoda, wife of Michał the weaver |
(Catholic) |
(female) |
62 years |
cholera |
from the Roman Catholic parish of
Biały Kamień, village of Usznia, 1855

no.) |
1-Februarii |
3 |
39 |
Stanislaus Zurawski
textor-maritus derelictae Magdalenae natae Piątkowska |
√ |
√ |
33 annorum |
Phtysis pulmonum |
51 (entry
no.) |
(death) |
(burial) |
39 |
Stanisław Zurawski,
weaver, husband of the left-behind Magdalena nee (maiden name) Piątkowska |
(Catholic) |
(male) |
33 years |
tuberculosis -
consumption |
from the Roman Catholic parish of
Biały Kamień, village of Usznia, 1864
Illegitimate Child

no.) |
22-Decembris |
24 |
106 |
Helena Gabryluk filia
illegitima Mriae servae caelebis. |
√ |
√ |
1 1/2
anni |
Consumtio |
66 (entry
no.) |
22-December |
24 |
106 |
Helena Gabryluk,
illegitimate daughter of Maria, unwed servent |
(Catholic) |
(female) |
1 1/2
years |
consumption /
tuberculosis |
from the Roman Catholic parish of
Biały Kamień, village of Usznia
Widows, Widowers and Previous Spouses
Sometimes we genealogists get lucky and come across very
detailed documents. Take a look at the following two examples of records
giving us the names of previous marriages.

43 (entry
no.) |
2-Maji |
4 |
119 |
Maria Michalewska nata
Kawałko - 1o voto Gołąb - uxor Mathiae agricola |
√ |
√ |
50 annorum |
Hydrops |
43 (entry
no.) |
2-May |
4 |
119 |
Maria Michalewska nee
(maiden name) Kawałko -
first marriage Gołąb - wife of Maciej the farmer |
(Catholic) |
(female) |
50 years |
Dropsy |
from the parish of Biały Kamień, village of Skwarzawa,

48 (entry
no.) |
4-Decembris |
6 |
224 |
Wiktoria Krzyzanowska
1o voto Rudy - nata Wierzbicka - vidua post Joannem agricolam |
√ |
√ |
63 annorum |
Debilitas senilis |
48 (entry
no.) |
4-December |
6 |
224 |
Wiktoria Krzyzanowska
first husband Rudy - nee (maiden name) Wierzbicka - widow of the late
Jan the farmer |
(Catholic) |
(female) |
63 years |
illness/weekness of age
from the parish of Biały Kamień, village of Skwarzawa,
Unusual Death Records

29-Januarii |
31 |
- |
Puer de nomine cognomine
ortus ignotus mendicans |
√ |
√ |
8 |
Phtisis |
29-Januarz |
31 |
- |
Boy, name surname
birthplace unknown, beggar |
(Catholic) |
(boy) |
about 8 |
tuberculosis |
from Greek Catholic parish of Bilyi Kamin, village of
Ushnia, 1855

23-Februarii |
25 |
in via mortua inventa |
Maria de cognomine
ignota - mendica - advena - caelebs |
√ |
√ |
circier 22 annorum |
frigore extincta |
23-February |
25 |
discovered on the road
dead |
Maria unknown last name
- beggar - foreign - single (unmarried) |
(Catholic) |
(female) |
about 22 years |
cold and hunger |
from the Roman Catholic parish of Biały Kamień,
village of Usznia, 1854

78 |
25 |
27 |
Catharina ignoti
cognominis et ignoti ortus mendicans |
√ |
√ |
70 annor. |
Sepel. Andreas Prawdzikowski, Paroch. |
78 |
25 (of Nov.) |
27 (of Nov.) |
Katarzyna unknown
surname and unknown origin beggar |
(Catholic) |
(female) |
70 years |
old age
Buried by Andrzej Prawdzikowski, pastor |
from the village and Roman Catholic parish of Biłka
Look at the cause of death in the last line. The
priest probably didn't know how to write the cause of death in Latin, so opted
for his native Ukrainian language. Barbara Miko, at 30 years of age, "замерзла
в поли", or "froze in the field".

from the Greek Catholic village and parish of
Snitnytsia, in today's southeast Poland.
Over the period of 3 days, a father lost 4 children and
his wife to poisonous mushrooms. The priest wrote the cause of death in
Polish "ze spozycia jadowitych grzybów otruty" (poisoned
by the consumption of poisonous mushrooms). The father alone survived.
In the example, the father is Dionizy (Dionysius in
Latin), the children are Jozefa (Josepha) who died at 6˝ years old; Antoni
(Antonius) at 4; Katarzyna (Catharina) at 9; Karol (Carolus) at 12; and his wife
Franciszka (Francisca) at 35 years of age.

from the village of Czeremosznia, in the Roman
Catholic parish of Biały Kamień, 1889.
No Name of Child on Birth or Death Record
Sadly, this child who lived but one day was not recorded
with a name on either the birth of death record. In the columns for Name,
it reads only "mortuus natus", or "died at birth". Note that
no godparents or cause of death is listed.
Birth on November 27

Death and burial on November 28

from the Roman Catholic parish of
Podkamień, village of Podkamień, 1863
Notification of Death on Birth/Baptismal
In some cases, the priests noted the death of a child on
the birth/baptismal record. In most of these cases, the priest simply
marked the birth record with a cross (+), signifying that the child had died.
But sometimes the priest noted the specific date of death on the birth record.
In the example below, the death date is marked next to the cross (+): "+
4/5/904", meaning 4-May-1904. Americans take note: remember
that only Americans abbreviate Month/Day/Year. Europeans abbreviate as

Date of birth |
Date of Baptism |
No. |
Name |
Religion |
Sex |
Status |
Parents |
Occupation |
Witnesses |
4-Maii |
4 |
6 |
+ 4/5/904
Andreas |
√ |
√ |
leg |
Andreas Moroz fil.
Clementis et Annae Kawałko.
Marianna Domańska fil. Antonii et Clarae Geża. |
(agricola) |
0 |
4-May |
4 |
6 |
+ 4/5/904
(4-May-1904 death date)
Andrzej |
(Catholic) |
(boy) |
legitimate |
Andrzej Moroz, son of
Klement and Anna nee (maiden name) Kawałko.
Marianna Domańska, daughter of Antoni and Klara Geża. |
farmers |
0 |
from Roman Catholic parish
of Biały Kamień, village of Usznia, 1904