Vital Records Tour-
Examples of Death Records
The Epidemics
The Cholera Epidemics
Since the dawn of time, epidemics have ravaged humanity.
Of particular note was cholera, an easily-transmitted and rapidly killing
disease. As evidenced by the vital records, Galicia was not immune to this
awful disease. Cholera epidemics tragically struck the villages of Galicia
in 1831, 1847-48, 1854-55, 1873-74. From Wikipedia, the online
dictionary, comes the following: "In its most severe forms, cholera is one of
the most rapidly fatal illnesses known, and a healthy person may become
hypotensive within an hour of the onset of symptoms; infected patients may die
within three hours if treatment is not provided."
The following full-page examples illustrate cholera's

from the village and Roman Catholic parish of
Podkamień (Rohatyn district), 1848

from the village of Usznia, Roman Catholic parish of
Biały Kamień, 1855
And in Ukrainian
is transliterated as Kholera.

from the village and Greek Catholic parish of
Pidmanastyr, 1855
The Influenza Epidemic of 1918 - 1919
The Influenza Epidemic of 1918 - 1919 spread throughout
the entire world, and is believed to have killed between 2.5% and 5% of the
world's population. (
from a page of the death records (October - December
1918) from the village and Greek Catholic parish of Snitnytsia, in southeast
Poland. The cause of death in Latin "Grypa", or "Flu". The flu
ravaged the village, across age groups and different homes.
