Vital Records Tour-
Examples of Marriage Records
Standard Marriage Format

Date |
No. |
Groom |
Bride |
Witnesses |
Religion |
Age |
Status |
Religion |
Age |
Status |
Name |
Occupation |
Maji |
9 |
Adalbertus Zurawski
filius Lucae et Marianae natae Michalewska agricola de Usznia |
√ |
46 |
√ |
Francisca post 1mum
maritum Procopium Wandziulak filia Thomae Majewski et Margarethae natae
Teodorowska agricolae de Usznia |
√ |
37 |
√ |
Josephus Drapczak
Florianus Michalewski |
Agricolae |
12-May |
9 |
Wojciech Zurawski
son of Łukasz and Marianna nee
Michalewska, farmer from Usznia |
√ (Catholic) |
46 |
√ (Single) |
Franciszka, of the first
husband Prokopii Wandziulak, daughter of Tomasz Majewski and Małgorzata
nee Teodorowska, farmer from Usznia |
(Catholic) |
37 |
√ (Widow) |
Józef Drabczak
Florian Michalewski |
Farmers |
In this sample, pay particular attention to the wealth of
information included on the bride. In many cases, the priest will include
details, such as previous spouses, parents, place of birth, residence and
occupation. This record is a nice example of such additional helpful
information. However, you must be careful with the Latin and/or Polish
endings of words to decipher the various names. In the bride's "name
column", there are three different last names. One of them is her married
name, one is her maiden name (=father's surname) and one is her mother's maiden
Here's another example:
"Maria Kawalko de Czeremosznia filia p.d. Pauli
Lechowski et Mariae agricolarum in Zulice vidua post d. Michaelum Kawalko."
"Maria Kawalko from <the village of> Czeremosznia,
daughter of the deceased Paweł Lechowski and Maria, farmers in
Zulice, widow of the deceased Michał Kawalko."
Just a little Latin can yield much more information from the record:
post = after
delictus =
deceased (male)
delicta = deceased
This tells us that the bride's father Paweł
is deceased at the time of the marriage. Also, that the bride was living
in the village Czeremosznia at the time of the marriage, but her parents were
from Zulice, which is an important clue as to the village
of her birth.
Additional Surnames - Former Marriages
Sometimes we get lucky and a record will include more
information. In the record below, we have a woman getting married for the
third time. And fortunately, the record includes all previous married
names. But be careful to watch the Latin and the word endings to make sure
you record the right names in the right order.

Date |
No. |
Groom |
Bride |
Witnesses |
Religion |
Age |
Status |
Religion |
Age |
Status |
Name |
Julii |
49 |
Joannes Gregorius Sokołowski
agricola de Usznia oriundus filius Vincentii et Dorothae Osiałkowska
agricolarum. |
√ |
27 |
√ |
Maria 10 voto
Pokutycka 20 voto Graniczka de Huty Oleskie oriunda filia
Stephani Rębicki et Susannae Gilewicz-vidua |
√ |
24 |
√ |
Tomas Kądzielski
Basilius... |
10-July |
49 |
Jan Grzegorz Sokołowski,
farmer and born in Usznia son of Wincenty (Sokołowski) and Dorota
Osiałkowska (maiden), farmers |
√ (Catholic) |
27 |
√ (Single) |
Maria (first married
name) Pokutycka, (second married name) Graniczka born in Huty Oleskie,
daughter of Stefan Rębicki and Zuzanna Gilewicz, widow. |
(Catholic) |
24 |
√ (Widow) |
Tomasz Kądzielski
Wasyl... |
from the village of Usznia, Roman Catholic parish of
Biały Kamień, 1870.
Ah, Youth
The youngest age I could find in the marriage records is
14! If you come across a record with someone younger...send it along to
me! Gerald A. Ortell in his book Polish Parish Records of the Roman
Catholic Church: Their Use and Understanding in Genealogical Research
writes: "Polish common law was quite different in many respects to English
common law. The normal prescribed age for marriage appears to have been 16
years. In a few isolated examples, however, I have seen marriages
involving 15- and even 14-year-olds."

Date |
House No. |
Groom |
Bride |
Witnesses |
Witnesses' Occupation |
Name & details |
Religion |
Age |
Status |
Name & details |
Religion |
Age |
Status |
30-Oct |
32 |
Lab. Stanislaus
Jabłonski fil. Casimiri et Magdalenae Piłatów, rust. |
√ |
18 |
√ |
Lab. Barbara Dzugala fil. Fabiani et
Franciscae Grabarsz, rus |
√ |
14 |
√ |
Casimirus Grabarsz
Gasparus Zabłonski |
X |
Ja Fabjan Dzugala
pozwałem córce Barbarze iść zamąsz za Stanisława Zabłonskiego w
przytomności nizey podpisanych swiadków na to się podpisują
swiedkowie Casimirsz Grabarsz Fabjan Dzugala X
Gaspar Zabłonski |
30-Oct |
32 |
Worker (Lab.= Laboriosus) Stanisław
Zabłonski, son of Kazimierz (Zabłonski) and Magdalena Piłatowa, farmers
(rust=rustici) |
Catholic |
18 |
Single |
Worker (Lab.=Laboriosa) Barbara
Dzugala, daughter of Fabian (Dzugala) and Franciszka Grabarsz, farmers
(rust=rustici) |
Catholic |
14 |
Single |
Kazimierz Grabarsz
Kacper Zabłonski |
X written in place of signature of
illiterate witnesses
farmers (rust=rustici) |
I, Fabian Dzugala, have
permitted my daughter Barbara to marry Stanisław Zabłonski in the
presence of the witnesses signed below to which are signed
the witnesses Kazimierz Grabarsz Fabjan Dzugala X
Gaspar Zabłonski |
from the village and Roman Catholic parish of
Podkamień, 1842.
Translation Notes:
Lab. (abbr. for "Laboriosus") = worker, in
a generic sense (male)
fil. (abbr. for "filius") = son
Casimiri (genitive case = "of Casimirus". Polish is
Magdalenae (genitive case = "of Magdalena")
Piłatów (Polish genitive plural "of the Piłat's"
or "of the Piłat family")
rust. (abbr. for "rustici") = farmers
Lab. (abbr. for "Laboriosa") = worker, in a
generic sense (female)
fil. (abbr. for "filia") = daughter
Fabiani (genitive case = "of Fabianus". Polish is Fabian
or Fabjan in archaic spelling)
Franciscae (genitive case = "of Francisca". Polish is
rust. (abbr. for "rustici") = farmers
Note the spelling of the names is phonetic and not necessarily in "proper"
modern-day Polish.
Casimirsz is "properly" spelled Kazimierz. The "C" is
influenced by Latin.
Grabarsz is "properly" spelled Grabarz
Nobility and Example of a Double
Name...and yet a Triple Name!

Date |
House No. |
Strzeliska |
Witnesses |
Witnesses' Occupation |
Groom |
Bride |
Name & details |
Religion |
Age |
Status |
Name & details |
Religion |
Age |
Status |
2-December 1848 Sabbatho ante
primani ?? Dominica Adventus |
1/1 |
Dmus Edmundus Franciscus
(bin) Dzwónkowski fil. leg. Nob. Dni. Josephi Dzwonkowski et
Theclae de domo Wisniewska de gentuim in Szmaykowczyki.
ille ??? nunc habitans in Strzeliska r.l. |
√ |
33 |
√ |
Dna Dorotha Constantia Marianna (trin)
Białoruśka fil. leg. Mag. Dn.Joannis Białoruśki advocati Leopoliensis
Doctoris utriusque et Constantia de domo Pokutynska illa nunc in
Strzeliska habitans r.l. |
√ |
45 |
√ |
Joannes Scisłowski m/p
Adam Albin Micewski m/p |
Curatus r.g.e in Strzeliska
Obywatel |
Productis metricalibus
praemissiso tribius Bannis - benedixit huie matrimonio Petrus Kormanski
parochus r.l. Podkamien |
2-December 1848, was the
Saturday before the first Sunday of Advent |
1/1 |
Village of Strzeliska |
Jan Scisłowski
Adam Albin Micewski |
Greek Catholic priest in
Citizen |
Lord Edmund Franciszek (double
name) Dzwónkowski, legitimate son of the Noble Lord
Józef Dzwonkowski and Tekla nee Wisniewska from the lineage
in <place name?>, now a resident of
Roman Catholic (r.l.) |
Catholic |
33 |
Single |
Lady Dorota Konstancja Marianna (triple
name) Białoruśka, legitimate daughter of Magnificent Lord Jan
Białoruśki, lawyer from Lwów and Konstancja nee Pokutynska, now a
resident of Strzeliska.
Roman Catholic (r.l.) |
Catholic |
45 |
Single |
Produced the marriage
<record> - published three banns - conducted this marriage: Piotr
Kormanski, pastor of the Roman Catholic parish of Podkamień. |
from village of Strzeliska, Roman Catholic parish of
Podkamień, 1848
Translation Notes:
Dmus (abbr. of "Dominus") = Lord (title for
Dna (abbr. of "Domina") = Lady (title for nobility)
Nob. (abbr. of "Nobilis") = Noble
Mag. (abbr. of "Magnificus") = Magnificent (title for nobility)
Obywatel = Citizen. <I like how the priest wrote this word in
Polish, while everything else was in Latin.>