Vital Records Tour-
Examples of Marriage Records
Example of Three Witnesses
It's quite uncommon to see three witnesses, especially
for farmers/peasants.

from the Roman Catholic parish of Biały
Kamień, village of Usznia
1850 |
House No. |
Groom |
Bride |
Witnesses |
Name |
Religion |
Age |
Status |
Name |
Religion |
Age |
Status |
Name |
Occupation |
10-Novembr. |
115 |
Thomas Gabryluk agricola hinc oriundus Thadaei Gabryluk agricolae
et Catharinae Bojakowska filius. |
r.l. |
18 |
Caelebs |
Francisca Graniczka hinc oriunda Andreae Graniczka agricolae et
Angelae Adamowicz filia |
r.l. |
17 |
Caelebs |
Franciscus Kawałko
Josephus Graniczka
Mathias Pokutycki |
Agricolae |
10-November |
115 |
Tomasz Gabryluk a farmer born here son of farmers Tadeusz
Gabryluk and Katarzyna Bojakowska |
Latin Rite (Roman Catholic) |
18 |
Single |
Franciszka Graniczka born here daughter of Andrzej Graniczka and
Angela Adamowicz |
Latin Rite (Roman Catholic) |
17 |
Franciszek Kawałko
Józef Graniczka
Maciej Pokutycki |
Farmers |
Jako na ożenienila
się tego małoletnego syna Tomasza z Franciszka Graniczka ze-
zwalam, w przytomności swiadków zeznaje
Swiadkowie: Franciszek Kawałko, Tadeusz
Gabryluk, Jósef Graniczka +
Jako na zamężcie mojej małoletnej córki Franciszki
z Tomaszem Gabryluk zezwalam,
w przytomności swiadków zeznaje
Swiadkowie Franciszek Kawałko, Jedrzej Graniczka, Jósef
Graniczka + |
As to the marriage of this my underage son Tomasz to
Franciszka Graniczka I have given permission,
in the presence of the witnesses I testify:
Witnesses: Franciszek Kawałko,
Tadeusz Gabryluk, Jósef Graniczka
As to the marriage of my underage daughter Franciszka to Tomasz Gabryluk I have
given permission,
in the presence of the witnesses I testify:
Witnesses: Franciszek Kawałko, Tadeusz Gabryluk,
Jósef Graniczka + |
Example of peasant movement and relocation
Fortunately for research, our peasant ancestors did not
move around much. Of course, it's always a good idea to look in
neighboring villages and parishes for missing relatives. However, once in
a while you can come across someone moving into the village from far away.
Here's an example of someone from Western Galicia
marrying someone from Eastern Galicia, about 90 miles away.

1881 |
House No. |
Groom |
Bride |
Witnesses |
Name |
Religion |
Status |
Age |
Name |
Religion |
Age |
Status |
Name |
Occupation |
17-Februarii |
125 |
Antonius Majkut carpentharius filius Martini et p.d. Elisabethae
agricolarum natus in Grodzisko Górne, districtus Łańcut, habitans in
Biłka Szlachecka. |
Romano Cathol. |
Caelebs |
31 |
Catharina Janiszewska filia Josephi Wojdyła et Mariae Kubów
agricolarum vidua post p.d. Joannem agricolam |
Romano-Cathol. |
vidua |
35 |
Joanes Win...
Joanes Owsi... |
Agricola |
17-February |
125 |
Antoni Majkut, carpenter, son of Marcin and p.d. ('post delicta,
or deceased) Rozycka farmers
born in Grodzisko Górne, Łańcut district (county), residing in Biłka
Szlachecka |
Roman Catholic |
Single |
31 |
Katarzyna Janiszewska, daughter of Józef Wojdyła and Maria Kubów,
widow of the deceased Jan the farmer. |
Roman Catholic |
widow |
35 |
Jan Win...
Jan Owsi... |
Farmer |
from the village and parish of Biłka Szlachecka, 1881.
And relocation from another part of the Austrian Empire,
hundreds of miles away.

<date> |
no.> |
<groom> |
<bride> |
<witnesses> |
<name> |
<rel.> |
<status> |
<age> |
<name> |
<rel.> |
<age> |
<status> |
<name and occupation> |
14-Mai |
96 |
Carolus Eckl subsilvarius filius p.d. Joannis silvarii in Kamena
Bohemiae et Annae Pukas natus in Esi districtus Tabor Bohemiae. |
Romano Cathol. |
25 |
Victoria Gołabewska filia Nicolai cmetosi
silvarum in Biłka Szlachecka et rosaliae Wilczyńska. |
Romano-Cathol. |
15 |
Władysław Gołębiowski m-pr krawiec
Antoni Andrejczak
m-pr. strzelec |
14-May |
96 |
Karol Eckl, subforester son of the late Jan the forester in
Kamena Bohemia and Anna Pukas born in Esi, district of Tabor, Bohemia |
Roman Catholic |
25 |
Wiktoria Gołabewska daughter of Mikołaj farmer forester in Biłka
Szlachecka and Rozalia Wilczyńska |
Roman Catholic |
15 |
Władysław Goąębiowski, tailor
Antoni Andrejczak, rifleman |
from the village and Roman Catholic parish of Biłka
Szlachecka, 1882