Vital Records Tour -
Examples of the Cyrillic Alphabet:
Church Slavic, Ukrainian and Russian
The region of Galicia/Halychyna was acquired by the
Austrian Empire in 1772 during the First Partition of Poland. Before the
Austrian period, Greek Catholic records were kept in Latin or in a language
Church Slavic (Church Slavonic in Canada and the United Kingdom). A
South Slavic language, Church Slavic was adopted from Old Church Slavic and the
local vernacular, and written in the Cyrillic alphabet. This language was
used in the Eastern Christian churches, as in Greek Catholicism and Eastern
Orthodoxy, for liturgical and scholarly purposes, and was not used for
conversation by the average person. In this way, it is similar to the use
of Latin in Western culture in the same time period. Church Slavic is
still used in some of the liturgy in today's Greek Catholic and Orthodox
The vital records during the pre-partitioned Polish
Kingdom were usually kept in paragraph or column format. (Roman Catholic
records during this period were also kept in the same manner but in the Latin
language, and not Church Slavic.)
Church Slavic is a difficult language to read, even to
someone familiar with modern-day Cyrillic alphabets of Ukrainian and Russian.
The greatest challenges are the abundance of abbreviations, superscripts and
diacritical markings to show stress, breathings and types of vowels, as well as
letters in the form of superscripts "floating" above the words.
Visit my pages on
Church Slavic Vital Records for more detailed information.
The Kingdom of Poland Period (pre-1772)
Church Slavic Birth Record

from the Greek Catholic parish of Bilyi Kamin'
Roku Bzhiia 1774: mtsa anuariia dnia 30.
Az" iere Iwan Buchkovski Prezvyter" Belokamenetski okrestykh" i myrom" s<abbr.
sviatym"> pomazakh" mldtsa <abbr. mladentsa> Feodora ot rodytele <rodytelei>
zakonno venchannykh" Romana prozvyskom Ksasnyts" ot matery Anastasiy Kmotry
bysha Hryhor " prozvyskom" Chuchman" i Tatiiana Iiakova Chchmana zhena v
Year of the Lord 1774, month of January, day 30.
I the priest Ivan Buchkovski priest of Belyi Kamin baptized and with holy myrrh
anointed the young boy Feodor of the lawfully married parents Roman with the
last name Kzasnyts and of the mother Anastasiia Godparents were Hryhory with the
last name Chuchman and Tatianna wife of Iakov Chuchman from Pochapy.
Click here for a complete line-by-line explanation of
this birth record.
Church Slavic Marriage Record

from the Greek Catholic parish of Bilyi Kamin'
Roku bozhiia 1774 mctsia maia dnia 11
Az" I (Ierei) Ioan" Buchkovsii P(Presbyter") B(Biloho Kamnia) vinchakh"
y sochetakh" mdtsa(mladentsa)
Aleksandra Tatarynovoho sna(syna) s pannoiu na imia
Feodosyeiu atsorkoiu
Feodora Tataryna, Svidytelie bysha Stefan" Pylypiak",
i Dymytyi Konashevych"
Year of the Lord 1774. Month of May. Day 11
I, the priest, Ivan Buchkovsky P(resbyter) of B(of Bilyi Kamin') crowned
(wedded) and joined the man (unmarried)
Aleksander of the son of Tatarynov with the single woman (maiden) named
Feodosiia daugher
of Feodor Tataryn, Witnesses were Stefan Pylypiak
and Dmytro Konashevych
Click here for a complete line-by-line explanation of
this marriage record.
The Austrian Period (1772 - 1918)
In 1772, the Austrian Empire, along with the Russian and
Prussian Empires, sought an opportunity to seize land from a weak Polish
Kingdom. Each of the three empires carved up the Polish Kingdom three
times (called the Polish Partitions. The first in 1772, the Second in
1793, and the Third in 1795, which resulted in an independent Poland ceasing to
Early Transition
In 1784, the Austrian Empire put forth
rules and regulations regarding vital record
keeping. The transition to these new Austrian record keeping rules (in
Latin with column format) varied from place to place over a period of time.
In this example below, the priest has begun using the column format with Latin
headings, but still continued to write in the Church Slavic language.
(Note that he includes the year in Arabic numerals ("1787") and month ("Februar",
for "February") in Latin along side the Church Slavic.)

from the Greek Catholic parish of Bilyi Kamin'
Februar |
Nomen |
Catholica |
Accatholica |
Puer |
Puella |
Illegitimi |
Legitimi |
Parens |
Mater |
Nomen |
Thori |
Bzhiia 1787.
1787 |
3 |
22 |
sn" Boshniakiv" |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Ushanski |
Grabovskykh" |
Kvasnyts +
Stykovska + |
Translation |
Month (Date) |
(House No.) |
Name |
Catholic |
Non-Catholic |
Boy |
Girl |
Illegitimate |
Legitimate |
Parent |
Mother |
Names |
Status |
Year of the Lord 1787.
1787 |
February 3 |
22 |
son of Boshniaks |
√ |
√ |
√ |
resident of Ushnia |
Anna (of the)
Grabovsky's |
Andrei Kvasnyts
+ Maryna
Stykovska + |
Standard Latin Column Format
According to the rules and regulations of record keeping
in the Austrian Empire, vital records were to be recorded in the Latin language,
the lingua franca of the Catholic Church. You'll also
find quite a bit of Polish, which was the predominate administrative and
educational language of the region. However, you can also find some
Ukrainian in the Greek Catholic records, a sign of the growing nationalism.
The educated Greek Catholic clergy was the main strength behind the Ukrainian
national movement of the middle to late 19th Century.
Although only a minority of the records will include
Ukrainian, I strongly urge anyone researching Ukrainian and/or Greek Catholic
roots to at least be familiar with the Cyrillic alphabet, in which the Ukrainian
language has historically been written. (There was a short-lived movement
by Polish and polonized Ukrainian scholars to adopt the Polish
orthography/spelling rules to the Ukrainian language. But the Ukrainian
language had been using some form of the Cyrillic alphabet as far back as the
10th Century!)
In some cases, the Greek Catholic priest included the
Ukrainian first name along with the Latin. (Click on the image to view the
entire page.)

from the village of Cheremoshnia, Greek Catholic
parish of Bilyi Kamin, 1891.
In some cases, the entire record was recorded in
Cyrillic, in either Ukrainian and/or a mix of Ukrainian, Russian and Church
Slavic. Here are samples of a birth, marriage and death record in
Each of these records come from the village of Budkiv,
the Greek Catholic parish of Pidmanastyr (Podmanastyr).
Birth / Baptism

Extract <here "Copy" as in
"Bishop's Copy">
From the Book of Births from
the <Greek Catholic> church of the village of Budkiv for the year 1854, Volume
II, page 58.
Date |
House Number |
Name |
Religion |
Sex |
Status |
Parents |
Godparents |
of Birth |
of Baptism |
Catholic |
Boy |
Name |
Occupation |
Name |
Occupation |
13/25 |
Іануарій 13/25 |
42 |
Павло |
√ |
√ |
правил |
Застадній й Варвара Петра й Ксеній Копитко ролниковъ
зъ Будковa дочкa. |
Ролники въ Будковђ. |
Іацко Каніуко
Агафђа Николая Котетка жена |
Ролнікі въ Будковђ |
13/25 |
13/25 |
42 |
Pavlo |
√ |
√ |
pravyl. |
Feodor Zastadnii i Varvara Petra i Ksenii Kopytko rolnikov z
Budkova dochka. |
Rolniki v Budkove. |
Iatsko Kaniuko
Ahafea Nykolaia Kotetka zhena |
Rolniki v Budkove |
13/25 |
13/25 |
42 |
Pavlo |
√ |
√ |
legal (legitimate) |
Feodor Zastadnii and Varvara daughter of Petro and Ksenia
Kopytko, farmers from Budkiv. |
Farmers in Budkiv. |
Iatsko Kaniuko
Ahafea Kotetka, wife of Nykolai |
Farmers in Budkiv |

from the Book of Marriages of the
<Greek Catholic> Budkiv church, Volume I, page 53 for the solar year 1853
Date |
Groom |
Bride |
Witnesses |
House No. |
Name |
Catholic |
Age |
Widower |
Name |
Catholic |
Age |
Single |
Name |
Occupation |
27 Іан.
8 Лут.
1853 |
56 |
Филипъ Зaкунъ синъ Пaвлa й
Пaрaскевій Закунъ
ролниковъ зъ Будковa |
√ |
44 |
√ |
Анaстaзия Пердaлa, дочкa
Вaсилия и Евки Пердaловъ, ролниковъ зъ Будковa. |
√ |
42 |
√ |
Вaсилій Пердала
Василій Кіернђцкій |
Ролніке зъ Будковa
зъ Підманастира |
1853 |
56 |
Fylyp Zakun syn Pavla i Paraskevii Zakun rolnikov z Budkova |
√ |
44 |
√ |
Anastazyia Perdala, dochka Vasylyia i Evky
Perdalov, rolnykov z Budkova. |
√ |
42 |
√ |
Vasylii Perdala
Vasylii Kiernetskii |
Rolnike z Budkova
z Pidmanastyra |
1853 |
56 |
Fylyp Zakun son of Pavlo and Paraskevia Zakun, farmers from
Budkiv |
√ |
44 |
√ |
Anastazyia Perdala, daughter of Vasylii and Evka Perdala,
farmers from Budkiv |
√ |
42 |
√ |
Vasylii Perdala
Vasylii Kiernetskii |
Farmers from Budkiv
from Pidmanastyr |

Extract <here Copy, as in "bishop's copy">
From the Book of Deaths of the <Greek Catholic> church in
Podmanastyr <Pidmanastyr> for the year 1854, Volume III, page 10.
Date of death |
House No. |
Name of deceased |
Catholic |
Male |
Age |
Cause of Death |
Date |
13/15 |
15/17 |
54 |
Симеонъ Горошко ролникъ въ Подмaнaстиру. |
63 |
Звичaйнa |
13/15 |
15/17 |
Symeon Horoshko, rolnyk v Podmanastyru |
Zvychaina |
of death
13/15 |
of burial
15/17 |
Symeon Horoshko, farmer in Podmanastyr <Pidmanastyr> |
Usual |