Death Record, Part 1
Click on any part of the record above
for a description and to go to that explanation. Or you can scroll down
the page on your own.

The parish priest kept a record of all deaths occurring
in the parish. Before 1784 the records for all the villages in the parish were
kept together. However, after 1784, records for each particular village were
kept separately. They may have been bound in the same book, but a separate
listing for each village was organized alphabetically by village, year by year.
When searching for ancestors, never concentrate solely
on one village, or even one parish for that matter. Although it’s commonly
thought that people never moved great distances outside their birth village, you
will find people often marrying into families in neighboring villages and/or
Explanation of each column
1. Numerus Serialis or Nr. posit./ Nrus positionis
(Serial Number or Position Number)

The priest numbered each record of death and burial
sequentially (1, 2, 3, etc.). Each year the priest started over with
number one. This was done to show that no one’s name could have been added
or removed at a later date. In this example, this was the first death
in the village that year.
This simple information can be used by the genealogist
to help cite information for your own family history. This extra citation
will ensure your proper record keeping. Of course, it is not essential.
However, if you would like this extra "protection", especially if the death
record contains names in a foreign language, in particular a foreign
alphabet, you may do this. Furthermore, by tracking the sequential numbering
of the births, one can determine any missing pages or pages out of order
(which sometimes happens when researching microfilmed copies that may have
been microfilmed out of order).
On some forms, this information is not found
as is the case in the example at the top of the page.
You should note both of these dates and not just the
death. Many genealogists concern themselves only with the actual death date.
However, one should keep both. Sometimes you may find ripped pages or pages not
properly microfilmed where you’ll only find one of the dates. Make sure that you
mark it correctly as either the birth or the baptism, depending on which one of
the two is present. In this example above, the death took place January
15, 1906 and the burial took place January 17, 1906.
Be careful when noting the month and year. Often the
month and year is not written for each and every person’s listing, only the
date. Carefully backtrack to the last month and year listed. Do so carefully so
as to not skip a month or year and mark the wrong one down. Be careful of this
especially when researching at an archive where photocopying is not available.
Unlike using microfilm at a local Family History Center, you may not easily have
a chance to return to the originals to verify your note-taking.
The months will usually be in Latin. This should not be a
problem if the month is written out as the Latin resembles the English. In older
Greek Catholic records, you may find the month in Church Slavic. Again, this
will be easy IF you can read the Cyrillic alphabet since the Church Slavic terms
also resemble the English. For a list of months in
languages, visit my page on months.
Note the confusion over the written number of the month,
in the case of 7-bris, 8-bris, 9-bris, and 10-bris (or 7ber, 8ber, 9ber, 10ber).
These are NOT the numbers correlated to the way we count months today! They are
based on the old calendar where the first month of the year wasn’t January, but
March. This makes sense if you look at the Latin meaning behind these four
months. Study the roots of these months:

"Sept" stands for Seven (7) in Latin.
7-bris is September, not July

"Octo" stands for Eight (8) in Latin.
Think of the word "octagon"
"Novem" stands for Nine (9) in Latin.
"Decem" stands for Ten (10) in Latin.
Think "decade" or "decagram"
8-bris is October, not August
9-bris is November, not September
10-bris is December, not October
Poland adopted the Gregorian Calendar (the one we use
today) in 1582. The Greek Catholic church records were kept in the Gregorian
Calendar. This is different than record keeping in neighboring Russian Empire,
which kept the Julian Calendar until 1918. Depending on the year, there is about
a two week difference between the two calendars.
After the tsar’s government ended, the newly formed USSR
adopted the Gregorian Calendar. So, the day after January 31, 1918 was February
13, 1918. (In the mid 1800’s, the difference was usually 12 days.) As a side
note, some branches of the Orthodox church today still officially use the
Julian Calendar. As you can see, this makes for easier research in
Halychyna/Eastern Galicia than it does for our genealogical colleagues
researching ancestors in the Russian Empire.
Click here to see a
detailed description, important usage, and often misunderstood column
House Number.
This is the name of the deceased person.
A married person may include the name of his/her spouse.
Look for the Latin term "uxor" which means spouse.
Catharina Dumanska leg. uxor Pauli Dumanski
Katarzyna Dumanska legitimate wife of
Paweł Dumanski (in Polish)
Kateryna Dumans'ka legitimate wife of Pavlo Dumans'kyi (in Ukrainian)
These Latin terms would then require the genitive case of
the following name, so you must be careful about noting the correct name. See my
section on
language and names for more detail.
A woman’s name may often carry her maiden name if she is
married. Look for the Latin terms:
Anna de Majewska |
de "of" |
Anna de domo Majewska or Majewskich |
de domo "of the house of" |
Anna ex Majewski |
ex "from" |
Anna nata Majewska |
nata "born (with the maiden name)" |
this example, it reads Angella Olejnik, born Brzezicka <maiden name>, wife of
the left-behind Ignacy (Ihnat in Ukr.) the farmer.
If you don’t see this information for a woman, you can
not assume that the surname listed is her maiden name. More than likely it is
the surname of her husband. You’ll have to search for a marriage record to
determine the wife’s maiden name.

With a child’s name is often included the name of the
parents. This example reads: "Maria Makarowska, legitimate daughter
of Stefan and Anna Gieża, farmers."
Look for the Latin terms:
filius "son of..."
filia "daughter of..."
sometimes abbreviated for both "fil."
filius leg. legitimate son
filia leg. legitimate daughter
fil. leg. abbreviation for both
These Latin terms would then require the genitive case of
the following name, so you must be careful about noting the correct name.
See my section on
language and names for more detail.
Regarding geographic locations, the priest may have
included information on the deceased’s birthplace and/or residence at time of
death. Some other Latin terms to watch out for are:
habit. in + place name residing in...
(habitat =he/she resides. habitans = resident)
de + place name from...
nat. in + place name born in...
natus = (he was) born; nata = (she was) born
oriundus (man) / oriunda (woman) originating
Other Latin terms that may be found in this column:
post delictus (for a man) / post delicta (for a woman) or abbreviated p.d.:
derelicto marito: left-behind husband
(maritus = husband)
vidua post mortum: widow of the previously deceased <husband’s name>
defuntus, defuncti: deceased, of the deceased (for men)
defunta, defunctae: deceased, of the deceased (for women)
coelebs: unmarried
Latin |
Ukrainian first names |
first names |
Helena, derelicto mariti Tadeusza |
Olena, wife of the left-behind Fadei |
Helena, wife of the left-behind Tadeusz |
Marcin derelicta uxore Jozefy |
husband of the left-behind Iosypa |
Marcin, husband of the left-behind Jozefa |
Katarzyna derelicto marito Jana |
wife of the left-behind Ivan |
Katarzyna, wife of the left-behind Jan |
Pay particular attention to the names of the spouses.
Remarriage was very popular in the event of a spouse’s death. Reasons based on
financial, social and religious well being vary for the individual. The surname
listed for the woman may be her maiden name, the surname of her first husband,
or the surname of her current husband. In turn, you must be careful of
these names in the future. A woman may be referred to in future records of her
children’s and grandchildren’s births, marriages, and death records with her own
maiden name, the first husband’s surname or current surname. A thorough study of
all of the woman’s ancestors, even of the entire village, is necessary in order
to track this properly. Of course, as always, you must be aware of the
possibility of priest error, or copy error when looking at the Bishop’s Copies.
You may also find information pertaining to the
deceased’s occupation.
Continue to
Death Record, Part 2